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About Be Unshakable


This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain.” – Hebrews 12:27

The Backstory

Be Unshakable Ministries (formerly known as BUD Ministries) started in 2013 on the college campus of Pepperdine University as an answer to a NEED for men’s spiritual community. Our founder, Sean Hanson, fractured his back in two places and had to stop playing soccer/being active. This change in lifestyle and identity led him to gather with other men going through other types of physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual pain in order to open up and focus their eyes on Jesus. Three spinal fusion surgeries later and now 10 years of chronic back pain, Sean gives God ALL the Glory for turning ongoing pain into a passion and ministry to reach men of all ages for the Kingdom of God. Be Unshakable’s resources and events have now been utilized by over 40 colleges and 1,000’s of other men from around the country to foster discipleship and spiritual growth.



Through resources, studies, devotionals



Through retreats & events



The heart & character of Jesus through discipleship and small-group community



Sean Hanson

Executive Director

Sarah Hanson

Director of Donor Relations

Ryan Scharpenberg

Active Ministry Manager

Kelsey Weiss

Marketing Coordinator and Content Development

Alex Newsome

College Ministries Coordinator

Board of Directors

  • Viktor Hammer –  Board Chair: Financial advisor for nonprofits for Morgan Stanley
  • Janet Kerr – Board Vice Chair: CEO of Kerr Strategic Consulting
  • Dan Cislo – Managing Partner of Cislo & Thomas LLP
  • Gary Hanson – Senior Executive Vice President of Pepperdine University
  • Matthew Myatt – Clinical Fellow at Harvard Law School’s Religious Freedom Clinic

Board of Advisors

  • Sam Jackson – Senior Director of Philanthropy for World Vision
  • Sara Jackson – Chancellor of Pepperdine University
  • Paul Long – Director of Human Resources for Velocity Commercial Capital
  • Joshua Solowey – Lead Pastor of Ethos Church – Hillsboro Village in Nashville, TN

Statement of Faith


We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God, written by human authors through the power of the Holy Spirit, and is completely trustworthy and authoritative for our lives today. We rely on God’s word to teach us, inspire us, and help us to know and live like Jesus.


We believe in the one true God revealed to us in the Bible, who is three persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is creator, redeemer, and ruler of all. God the Father reigns over and cares for His creation. God, the Son, is the full revelation of God to us. Jesus is our redeemer and our trusted friend. He promised to return to make all things new. God, the Holy Spirit, dwells in God’s people, sealing our salvation, guiding us and empowering us to live a life of boldness!


We believe God created humans to be in perfect relationship with Himself for eternity. God created us with the freedom of choice, but since the beginning of time we chose to go against God’s good plan for us; this is known as sin. Therefore, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile us back to Him. Jesus lived a sinless life, died the death we deserved, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the word of God. God demonstrates His love for us, that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. We believe we are saved for eternal life by grace through faith, in Christ alone. On Earth we are now workers for God’s Kingdom, ushering in the Good News that Jesus set us free from sin.


Despite how divided our world and church is today, we believe in unity under the name of Jesus. We choose to lay down our differences of opinions for the Kingdom no matter how difficult. We honor Jesus by loving others just like He loves them.